Welcome to an intriguing exploration into history, heritage, and hidden legacies with the remarkable authors, John A. Nichols and Myra E. Nichols. In this exclusive interview, we dive into the inspiration, challenges, and profound messages behind their latest work, a captivating tale that unravels the mysteries of their own family history.
This literary odyssey began with a revelation in the Ironwood Forest National Monument, where petroglyphs adorned with the cross of Charlemagne and a medieval crown sparked the authors’ inspiration. John A. Nichols, a U.S. Army Veteran with 43 years of service at Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Railroad, and Myra E. Nichols, a Master in Education and a former participant in a Federal Congressional Investigation into the 1988 Yellowstone Park Fires, seamlessly blend their passion for history, archaeology, and photography.
Their literary canvas extends beyond the current work, “Calalus Revisited: How Arizona’s Riches Rebuilt the Roman Empire.” This is not just another publication; it’s a testament to their commitment to uncovering the hidden threads of history.
Central to their narrative is the focus on genealogy and the profound discovery of the contributors to the establishment of the United States—the Knights Templar and Free Masonry. The authors meticulously present a dual perspective, acknowledging both the greatness and, at times, the shameful aspects of these historical figures. It’s a nuanced portrayal that aims to let the facts speak for themselves.
In the tapestry of their storytelling, a poignant message emerges. The ongoing conflict in the Middle East and America’s efforts to defend and save lives are connected to a historical legacy. The Knights Templar, with their Latin phrase “In Hoc Signo Vinces” meaning “In this sign, you shall conquer,” once again stand as guardians in the Middle East, protecting Jerusalem and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
As the authors unravel their journey, they share insights into the challenges faced during the writing process. The scarcity of available images, including maps, posed unexpected hurdles. Yet, their resourcefulness led to creative solutions, either finding similar images or vividly describing missing ones for the readers to explore.
What sets their work apart in the literary landscape is the depth of research presented. The authors believe their exploration into the history of the Knights Templar provides a more detailed account of their beginnings, acknowledging the complexity of these historical figures.
The narrative weaves through time, touching upon the Templars’ role as privateers and pirates during the 13th century migrations to America. It unveils the critical role privateers played during the American Revolution and the War of 1812, against Great Britain—a dimension of history often overlooked.
In a noteworthy passage from the book, the authors shed light on the Knights Templar’s naval exploits, connecting them to America’s dependence on privateers during pivotal moments in history.
As the story unfolds, the authors share engaging anecdotes from their genealogical research. A genealogist’s discovery of a connection to the kings of Calalus led them to explore their own family history. The result is a narrative that transforms their understanding, revealing a bloodline extending from a Roman Senator to eight kings—a lineage that transcends the assumed identity of mere fishermen from the lowlands of Scotland.
With an inviting tone, the narrative concludes as an invitation. Join John A. Nichols and Myra E. Nichols on an extraordinary expedition through the corridors of history, where every page unravels a hidden legacy, a revelation waiting to be discovered. This is not just their family’s story; it’s a narrative that resonates with the shared history of us all.